Cultivating Fungi
Workshops about the philosophy and practice of sustainable mushroom cultivation. Part of Shift Bristol’s Practical Sustainability and Urban Permaculture course. 2016 ongoing
>Workshops about the philosophy and practice of sustainable mushroom cultivation. Part of Shift Bristol’s Practical Sustainability and Urban Permaculture course. 2016 ongoing
>Gloucestershire’s first urban mushroom micro farm operated March 2015 to June 2018. Fungusloci mushroom farm diverted tons of commercial waste from landfill, using the coffee grounds from local cafes as the growing medium for producing highly prized nutritious oyster mushrooms. … >
A series of hands-on DIY workshops, demonstrations and talks lead by some of Strouds most cultured producers
>Exhibition and events programme that explored the art of inter-species collaboration: humans and microbiology working together. 2016
>Series of articles and photography produced for Adhoc magazine of the Convent club, Woodchester. In early January I visit the garden again and although it’s early afternoon the sun is already dipping below the hills behind the Covent. Ragged clouds … >
Initiated and organised community fruit press in order to utilise underused and excess fruit crops. 2014 -2022
>In October 2013 I started a series of mushroom cultivation trials with Stroud Brewery. The trials were carried out in order to determine the viability of using waste products from the brewing process as growing substrates for oyster mushrooms. Spent … >
2010 – 2012 This community venture pooled the produce, resources and skills of local grape growers – be they veterans, beginners, the knowledgeable or the clueless – with the aim of producing and sharing locally produced wine. October 2010 … >
Following a very successful Apple Day and in an effort to increase the productivity of locally grown produce, Chalford Food Chain oganised a fruit and nut tree-planting project. To encourage people to plant there own we put in a group … >